If you are scheduled for a meet-the-team interview, you can prepare with the following steps:

1. Research the company and where possible the people you are meeting

2. Consider the structure of the interview

Find out who you will meet with, including what team or department they work with. It can also be helpful to find out if it is a formal or informal team interview.

It could be a panel interview where a number of interviewers will meet you at the same time. This panel is usually made up of people like HR, the position’s direct supervisor and in some cases, team members.

In an informal interview, the hiring manager may have the potential candidates move from office to office for a quick, informal meeting with each team member.  Some hiring managers may also assign a test assignment to get a better idea of how each candidate works with the team.

3. Practice potential interview questions

4. Practice in a group setting

5. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask

Ask questions throughout and at the end of the interview to learn more about the position and the team that you could be working with. This will show that you are interested in the role. Prepare some questions beforehand.

6. Thank the team and follow up after the interview

Always end the interview by thanking the team for their time. A follow-up thank you email to the hiring manager can further demonstrate your interest in the position while highlighting why you would be good for the job.

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